Halloween Fun

31 Oct

On our move to Kentucky, Merayla told us that she wanted to be a Southern Belle when she grew up. This Halloween, we modified one of Char’s dresses (by looping and belting) and a hat decoration I had made in Mia Maids years ago, and she came out pretty southern and definitely a Belle:


Oliver refused to dress up in everything we tried, except the witches hat that he picked out himself at the store. And the gloves from Grandma. Everyone kept saying, “What a cute little girl!” Well, he was cute:


Then Merayla decided to create her own outfit from the Halloween box. “What are you?” I said. “Mishgah!” was her answer. It was tons of fun, and she was so excited to go out in it.


It was our first time Trick-or-Treating. Oliver was VERY attached to his pumpkin and didn’t want any help carrying it, though it was just about pulling him over.


After our treating, the kids were so excited to give out treats at our house, but nobody showed up. We even chased down the street with the treat bowl looking for Trick-or-Treaters. No success. But Bird packed the treat stash all over the house the rest of the night.



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