Archive for December, 2011

Dressed-Up & Cute

27 Dec

Because we actually looked like we were ready to go to church one Sunday. (This does not happen very often.)





Favorite Words of Bird’s

17 Dec
  1. First of all, I love it that he calls himself Birt, with a very serious accent on the “t.” He also says Oliver; it’s a run-on word kind of like “Ol-a-er.”
  2. Yes.
    Birt answers questions very seriously. He considers the question, he decides if he agrees or not, and he states very clearly and solemnly, “Yes.”
  3. Ah, Eat. Food.
    This is interchangeable with “Ah, eat brefuss.” Breakfast can be asked for at any time of the day.
  4. Birds. In. Dryer.
    This is our wake-up call. He comes in every morning, slams our bedroom door behind him, and says, “Birds. In. Dryer.” Yes, there are usually real birds in the dryer’s ventilation in the mornings. Oliver gets really excited about it.
  5. Luving you. So much.
    This is adorable, and he just started doing it last week in church. He dove onto my lap, put his arms around my neck and said, “Luving you. So much.” Now he likes to do it to Merayla and Daddy too, whenever we are sitting somewhere for a long time.
  6. Guess what?
    I’m not sure where he learned this, but he actually cups his hands around your ear and whispers it. When you say, “What?”, he says it again. I think he’s trying to play a game.
  7. Rice. Christmas. Tree.
    Somehow this got confused with Rice Krispy Treat. I think…
  8. Open shop; closeitup.
    This means open it up and close it up, but they go together. Always.
  9. Yeahhhh!
    Whenever we say someone is coming or we are going somewhere, he likes to shout this, especially at breakfast when we are talking about the day.
  10. Meesh-eesh
    I had to ask Merayla for the translation of this one. It means “move.”
  11. Come Lay-la
    And if she doesn’t come right then, he keeps saying it until she does. Another one that goes along with this is, “Watch out, Lay-la!”
  12. Go. Wimming dit.
    Translation: I want to go swimming. Anytime. Any season. We must have good memories from the summer.
  13. Pocc-u-kook
    This means popsicle. And he loves them!
  14. Look. Me.
    When Oliver says this, he puts his hands together above his head, and then dives at the floor while turning in a somersault-ish cartwheel.
  15. Look. Me. (at the table)
    When he says, “Look. Me” at the table, he wads his hands into fists, puts on this crazy grin with huge eyes and acts like he is madly driving a truck. Guess you’ll need a video to catch the full moment, but it’s pretty funny.
  16. I. Robot.
    With a cardboard box on one arm.
  17. Vvvvvvvvvvv.
    This is vrooming (driving). Lots of things vroom: cars, trains, vacumn attachments, food…
  18. Foo-goo-dot..
    I didn’t know what this meant—though he and Layla say it all the time to each other—until Oliver finally explained it to me the other day: “Foo-goo-dot orange” is “Want orange.” Translation: I want whatever follows the word foo-goo-dot. Haha! No idea the word roots on this one!
  19. Have any socks.
    This means he does not have any socks, which really means that he’s taken them off and they are right beside him on the floor.
  20. Eek-up, Mommy.
    Wake up, Mommy. Self-explanatory.
  21. Picy Coo-Bus.
    This means Spicy School Bus, and it refers to hot sauce, of all kinds. Oliver says it pretty much anytime we eat something spicy, or when Cristian is having hot sauce on something mild, which is pretty much every time we’re not having something spicy. So, normal language at our table = Picy Coo-Bus.


New Additions (2013)

  1. Restday = yesterday, or any other day in the past
  2. Chalk Lick = chocolate
  3. Chull-ee! = a running game where Merayla and Oliver chase each other in a circle through the loop of our room, the laundry room, and the hall
  4. Let’s go to the Obama = I’m not sure what this means. They chant it and laugh hilariously.

The Babbettes

13 Dec
